Xochitl Borel
Born in 1987, Xochitl Borel is a French-speaking writer. She is the author of L’alphabet des anges (L’Aire, 2014), for which she won the Prix Lettres Frontière 2015 and the Prix du Roman des Romands 2016, Les oies de l’Ile Rousseau (L’Aire, 2017), a soft thriller set in Geneva, and Le siècle des couronnes (Dashbook, 2022), a short contemporary story in which she depicts an irrational and poetic universe that is ironically reminiscent of the “covidélirant” world. Her first collection of poems, Trognes (L’Aire), is published in August 2024.
She currently lives in Vevey (Switzerland).
A lover of words and mother of three children as beautiful as the singularity of each being, she continues to write about the world in order to understand a little of this humanity capable of great cruelty and infinite tenderness.
Nuria Manzur-Wirth
Poet, researcher and multidisciplinary artist Nuria Manzur-Wirth was born in Mexico City in 1979. With a doctorate in Human Sciences and a thesis on the poetic thought of Paul Celan, her research and artistic concerns have led her to explore a variety of disciplines and languages. In music she collaborates with composers such as Ezko Kikoutchi and Wilfrido Terrazas. She has worked in the theatre as a playwright, director and actress.
Co-founder and artistic director of Cie Les Eaux Courantes, she co-creates and produces a number of interdisciplinary projects with poetry at their core.
She writes and publishes in several languages. Following the publication of her collection Esquilles (Éditions de l’Aire, 2020), she was a member of the jury for the Prix de Poésie Pierrette Micheloud. Her second collection, Peaux, is published by Éditions d’en Bas in Lausanne in September 2023.
In film, she co-directed a documentary on the Prix de Lausanne with Alain Wirth, which can be seen on the RTS play Le Prix documentary section. She is currently working on a new documentary project with Jérôme Piguet.

Denise Mützenberg
Denise Mützenberg, born on 3 September 1942, is a writer of short stories and poems.
In 1992, she founded Editions Samizdat with the publication of Dschember Schamblin, a collection written in Vallader, the Rhaeto-Romanic idiom she had fallen in love with through her husband Gabriel. Soon joined by her twin Claire Krähenbühl, she ran this poetry publishing house for 25 years. Her passion for Romansh led her to publish several bilingual books, including an anthology of Lower Engadine poetry: Aruè (Geneva, Samizdat, 2015), reissued in 2022 by Editions d’en bas. Today, still with her sister, she runs Les Troglodytes, a publishing hut that continues to publish Engadine poets that she translates, including, in 2021, üert fomantà (jardin affamé), by Flurina Badel, and, in 2022, Stizis as cruschan by Tina Planta-Vital. Last publication (2023): 5 idioms 5 dunnas, which brings together five women poets, each expressing herself in one of the five written idioms that make up Graubünden Romansh.
When Denise finds herself on the banks of the River Inn, poetry comes to her in vallader.
Matteo Pedroni
Matteo M. Pedroni has taught Italian literature at the University of Lausanne since 2002. His research focuses on nineteenth- and twentieth-century literature, with a particular interest in Italian poetry from Carducci to Montale and contemporary Swiss-Italian poetry (from Giorgio Orelli to Alborghetti). He has published the annotated edition of Carducci’s Poesie (Salerno, 2004, with G.A. Papini), the critical and annotated edition of Vincenzo Riccardi di Lantosca’s Poesie (Edizioni dell’Orso, 2006) and the volume Spunti del moderno (Mucchi, 2010), with essays on Carducci, Guerrini, Praga, D’Annunzio and Pirandello. In recent years he has focused on the work of the Swiss poet Federico Hindermann (1921-2012), publishing the proceedings of the 2015 symposium in Lausanne (ETS, 2017), the anthology Sempre altrove. Poesie scelte 1971-2012 (Marcos y Marcos, 2018), the posthumous collection I sette dormienti (Edizioni sottoscala, 2018) and the monograph Le intenzioni del poeta. The verse works of Federico Hindermann. Avec la correspondance Hindermann-Contini (Carocci, 2021). He is president of the “Fondazione Margherita per la cultura italiana” (Sion, CH), a member of the steering committee of the “Testi per la Storia della Cultura della Svizzera italiana” collection, of the programming committee of the “Casa della Letteratura per la Svizzera italiana” and of the scientific committee of the “Centro per il Turismo Letterario – TULE” (Università per stranieri di Perugia).

Christopher Ernest Reyes Toledo
Christopher Ernest Reyes Toledo was born in Iquique, northern Chile, in 1982.
He studied law and English literature at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaiso and La Universidad de Chile, in Santiago.
A bookseller for more than ten years at the historic La Crisis bookshop in Valparaiso, founded by Mario Llancaqueo Vera, Christopher Ernest Reyes Toledo took part in the artistic life of Valparaiso and Antofagasta, notably as a member of the literary group Los poetas no leídos.
He has been a frequent visitor to Europe since 2008.
Composer and poet under the artistic name Nikander, he has been living in Switzerland for several years.
Vega Tescari
Vega Tescari is a writer and lecturer at the Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI) in the fields of visual and audiovisual arts and comparative literature. She has published critical texts (En suspens. Scenari di tempo. Marguerite Duras, Claudio Parmiggiani, Luigi Ghirri, preface by Antonella Anedda) and literary texts (Come, postface by Fabio Pusterla), as well as poetic translations from English into Italian. A selection of her poems has been translated into French by Mathilde Vischer. She is interested in the links between the visual arts, literature and philosophy, the relationship between word and image, and the horizons opened up by questions of spatiality and temporality.

Myriam Wahli
Myriam Wahli was born in 1989 in the industrial heartland of the Bernese Jura.
Her writing practice is intrinsically linked to the lifestyle she leads: polymorphous, non-linear, close to the senses. She screens films in mountain villages, does wild gardening, hugs trees and stubbornly tries to make her life a straight line that always ends up turning into a curve.
Her first novel, “Venir grand sans virgules”, was published by Editions de l ́Aire in 2018
In summer 2023, the German translation of this novel will be published by Editions die Brotsuppe
That same summer, she finished writing her second novel.